“Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.”
Direct Donations
All general donations to Mosque Fund:
Hendon Mosque & Islamic Centre Barclays Bank
Sort code 20-37-16
Account number 83068382
All donations including building projects as Sadaqa Jariyah:
Hendon Mosque & Islamic Centre
Santander Bank
Sort code 09-01-27
Account number 43683743
All donations for Zakat / Sadaqa / Fitrana / Fidya:
Hendon Mosque & Islamic Centre
Barclays Bank
Sort code 20-37-16
Account number 43500748
Or you can bring up the donate form by clicking below if it does not appear automatically
Please complete our Gift Aid Form and email back to hendonmosque@hotmail.com.